One of the missionary teams that Joyce & I work with in Latin America is known as the Spanish Language Resource (SLR) team. These missionaries are committed to translating materials that we as English-speaking missionaries have access to…like manuals on how to set up literacy programs, Bible translation information, and tools for church planting.
A few years ago because we greatly value our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters joining us in prayer for tribal evangelism, we also began translating the “New Tribes Mission Daily Prayer Bulletins” into Spanish. God provided a faithful Colombian brother who has been excellently translating and daily uploading the “Boletín de Oraciòn” as well as the corresponding articles. (There are 971 great mission articles in Spanish so far! )
So if you know of any Spanish-speaking friends or churches that are interested in tribal mission work, make sure that they know about these prayer bulletins and articles. They can subscribe at
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