Meet Eudelina. She is a lively, beautiful Kuna lady who shared the following testimony and prayer request at the conference in Panama, “I am a pastor’s wife and also a literacy student! For many years I have come to these conferences. I love to hear God’s Word and grow in Him. But as I watched the other ladies who can read, I just couldn’t figure out how the marks on the paper made any sense. The other ladies would talk excitedly about chapters and verses, but I just couldn’t see it.
Then last February literacy classes began in our village. I was the first in line to get my name on the list of students! It was my time to learn reading because I so badly want to read God’s Word for myself and my children. So I began from zero, you understand? The last 9 months I have been working through the first three primers. I am not really a fast learner, but I can now see the words. I really am reading! And as we read the Bible verses, I can see (read) many of the words. Please pray that I will keep working hard and that by next year I will see all the words in God’s Book!”
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