Here’s a quick look at the current plans for 2017:
- England to the missionary candidate training center. We will also have trainers from W. Africa joining as they prepare to begin literacy training in Senegal in French later this year.
- quick trip to N. Ireland to visit some friends, just for fun!
- on to Papua New Guinea for meetings with the literacy consultants to begin training them to use the new literacy software
- annual meetings with the Spanish Language Resource team, who translate church developing resources into Spanish
- the Philippines for an extended trip for consultant training and working with 3 languages to write their literacy curriculum. To make the most of this training opportunity, it looks like we will have consultants also coming from Papua New Guinea and Asia-Pacific, too.
- Ecuador for writing literacy curriculum
- Senegal for an extended trip: consultant training, working with 3 languages writing literacy curriculum, following up with one of the teams we worked with in 2016 as they begin their first literacy classes in the community
- returning to Canada to help as the literacy trainers assume responsibility of the course to train missionary candidates for the fields.
- plus several other possibilities that we are still in the planning stages
So it will be another full year, but one in which our literacy team takes some huge steps. How we need the Lord’s wisdom, strength and courage as we walk through the open doors!
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