What a grand month July was for us! It was full of family fun and celebration to the Lord for some great things He has done. You just might have heard three loud shouts from us as we thanked God.
First shout: family celebration
The month began with all of our kids and their families here to celebrate Joyce’s birthday. It had been several years since we were all together, so we enjoyed every minute. There was lots of activity, noise, and great fun! For more family pictures, click on our Photos tab (above) and look in the album titled Family.
Second shout: Literacy Manual completed
The final chapter of the Literacy Manual was written the end of July. Thank you, Lord! The book contains 17 chapters and is about 235 pages in length. Jerry is formatting the book right now. Once that is done and the page numbering is settled, the table of contents and an alphabetized index will be added. Then the book will be proofread and sent to the translating teams to translate into Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc. Please keep praying for the process so that we can see this in the hands of missionary training centers, consultants, and teams as soon as possible.
Third shout: exciting update from Kuna churches
Last August we wrote about three Kuna villages in Panama and how God had brought the Gospel to a village that had been resistant to His Word for years. We recently got another update on that village that caused us to shout once again! A year ago there were two young believers who persuaded the village chiefs to allow Edelfonso, a leader in the first church, to come to their village and begin teaching God’s Word. Now there is a growing body of believers in this village! The believers from the first two villages are traveling to this village to build a church in which the believers can meet!
If you are interested in some pictures and background on these three villages to help you pray, we’ve gathered seven blog posts with the tag “a tale of three cities.” To view these, click on:
We recommend beginning at the bottom with the oldest post and reading in chronological order.
God has done some amazing things in the last month and we have not stopped celebrating His great faithfulness! Thank you for standing with us by your prayers.
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