It’s been a few months since I began a new ministry in the Tribal Supply Department. And what an enjoyable few months it has been.
Basically, the Tribal Supply department buys things for the missionaries out in the bush. Because, sadly, Wal-Mart has yet to build stores high in the mountains and jungles of Papua New Guinea… or anywhere in Papua New Guinea, as far as that goes. So, the folks in the bush send out their lists of supplies they need, and I go and buy them.
Of course, part of the fun is that we don’t have a handy Wal-Mart. So, I will pretty much have to visit every store in town… twice… to get almost everything on the list. Then I bring it all here, pack it all up, weigh it all up, and get it ready to go on whatever airplane will be taking it to its final destination.
Because most of the tribal locations in the Madang Region are high in the mountains, we usually have to load the airplane right at the crack of dawn. That also means that a good part of my ministry is to act as chauffeur for anyone arriving at the local airport.
Finally, I’d like to post a link to one of the families I’ve been working for- Gary and Esther Smith.