School began last Monday, so I guess summer is officially over. I wanted to share with you some of the the highlights beyond our field conference which I shared about in the last post.
Sunday School Outings

We were participated in 2 Sunday school outings with our kids. I love hanging out with these kids. It is a blast to see God at work in their lives and to have fun together with them. We has one outing with all the kids, which included a Bible teaching time, games and time in the ocean. We also did a special outing with the kids in our class who memorized all the scripture verses from this year.

Time As a Family

We took a 2 small trips as a family to get more focused time with our boys. Both of them were a huge blessing. We are realizing the older our kids get the importance of these small windows of focused time together.

Welcoming a New Team Member
The end of August we received a new team member. We always praise the Lord for new members of our team. We will be working with her closely over the next 2 years as she learns French and adjusts to life in West Africa.
Expanding our Family

With the dorms closing, it meant some families who live and work in more remote areas were in a challenging situation for schooling for their kids. We decided as a family to welcome one of these kids into our home. Lemuel will be staying with us for the school year. It has been an adjustment for us especially in quantity of food but we are enjoying having him as part of our family.

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