I am currently in my second to last semester at Moody Bible Institute. Before I can graduate I have to do an internship for six to eight weeks, doing some kind of children’s ministry (which is what I am getting a degree in). This internship is a time where I get to practice everything that I have learned while being in school and gain experience in doing children’s ministry. For my internship I will be going to Brazil and working in a Brazilian national church, called Igreja Boas Novas, doing children’s ministry. The exciting part is that I get to go to the town where I lived while my parents worked at the boarding school for missionary kids and the church that I will be helping out is the church that I went to while I lived there. Some of my responsibilities will include: helping sort and organize curriculum, teaching children Sunday school, helping with a VBS program, helping teachers know where kids are at developmentally and how to best teach them Biblical truth based off of that. This church is involved in doing a kids club for children in the poor section of the town. While I went to high school I helped out with this ministry and I am so excited about going back and helping out with it again. The children that come to this kids club once a week are mostly kids that don’t have people who care about them in their lives. It is a great opportunity to show these kids that God loves them and cares about them. I will be going to Brazil the end of May through the middle of July.
An urgent prayer request is that I would have the finances to pay for this past semester at school and since I won’t be able to work during the summer that I would have the money to come back and finish my last semester here at Moody. Concerning my internship you can pray for me to be able to find cheep airplane tickets, be able to communicate well with those I will be working with, for a quick adjustment back to the culture and language I grew up in, finances to be able to do this internship, that I would be open to what God wants to teach me through this experience, and that as I have an opportunity to impact children’s lives that I would clearly display God’s love for them.
Thank you in advance for your prayers!
Charity Kerstetter
Email: cheesecakeisyummy08@gmail.com
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