Greetings from Missouri! Here’s a small summary of the multitude of events that have happened in our lives since you last heard from us. Our biggest family news is that we have 2 new grandchildren!

Asher Reed Parker made his appearance 11 days overdue on March 15th, weighing 9 lbs 12 oz and measuring 22” long. We are grateful that in spite of his large size, Bethany had a quick, smooth labor and delivery. Asher is a cute, chunky, happy, laid-back baby and he is loved by all. Mason and Evalynn have adjusted well to their new baby brother and they both adore him.

Adelynn Jo Kerstetter was born on July 1st, weighing 6 lbs 3 oz and measuring 19” long. After all the extreme nausea and vomiting that Sarah experienced for about half of her pregnancy, we are thankful that she had a very smooth labor and delivery. Little Addie is a content, smiley, sweet, adorable baby and is loved by all. Josh and Sarah have adapted well to being parents and are loving their new roles.
We had a very busy, full and emotional summer with lots of traveling and visiting family and friends. At the end of July we said good-bye to a dear friend from church that lost her battle with cancer. Then at the beginning of August we moved Zach & Bethany and kids back to Wisconsin after living a year with us.

In the middle of August we jumped into the new semester at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) with John teaching the Families & Education class. Presenting information about education options, transitions, and integrating into a new culture are just a few of the topics covered in an effort to equip the students with awareness of these issues as they prepare for moving themselves and their family overseas. Right after that class finished, John taught another class, Learning Styles, which focuses on different learning styles and how they affect not only how we learn, but also how we interact with others and affect team work, family, and ministry in cross-cultural settings.

During the semester we spend time interacting with the students both inside and outside of class, as well as connecting with missionaries overseas or on home assignment as they need assistance with educational needs or finding resources or high school transcripts, etc. We are privileged to be part of what God is doing around the world by equipping and training these missionary candidates for life and ministry overseas.
We are extremely thankful for you, our faithful team of ministry partners who make it possible for us to serve here at the MTC. We appreciate each one of you who faithfully prays and sacrificially gives so we can continue our small role in the big picture of what God is doing to reach the unreached people groups of the world. Thank you for the part you play!
Privileged to be part of what God is doing,
John & Melanie Kerstetter
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