I suspect that for most people plumbing is not a thing of wonder or beauty.
I have to admit that I’ve spent time under the sink and behind the toilet
that didn’t have a lot of beauty involved, even if there was the benefit of
horrible surprises.
Plumbing here in the village is often not under the sink or behind the
toilet. Rather, it involves following a pipe up to a spring high on a
mountain. It isn’t like we wish that the water system would break so that
we can go on a hike, but when we do have to go, there are beautiful things
to see along the way. The picture above was taken on the way to the spring.
The village appears as a tiny dot in the middle of the picture.
As I was walking up the streambed a flash of light caught my eye; a
brilliant blue and green in the morning light. I investigated and found
some insect wings. I suspect that the insect itself had been someone’s
dinner. The wings were blue on one side and green on the other and
iridescent. I was amazed by their beauty and thanked God for all the beauty
around me.
Prayer Points:
- We are thankful for the beautiful things we get to see here.
- We are thankful that many people are eager to listen to Bible portions and lessons on the MP3 players and that generous gift was given so that we can purchase more Bible MP3 players.
- We are thankful that our kids are doing well.
- We are thankful that Thomas is engaged to Emily Foreman
- Please pray for them as they prepare to be married early in 2017.
- Please pray for us as we write lessons and do Bible translation.