I spend a lot of time at my desk drafting and re-drafting translation as passages work their way through the translation process, so sometimes it is hard to think of something new to put in our weekly update. Not this week. John Silver is new. He arrived two days ago and lives a few houses down the path from us. John is a good boy except he was very reluctant to open his eyes for me. We are always thankful for healthy moms and babies.
In other news, the school kids have been practicing in our yard for an upcoming track meet. Every year this usually means that I discover that a long jump pit has been dug in the middle of the yard. This year I was proactive and had the pit dug off to the side and the jumpers are happily jumping into it.
Last week we made good progress on the recording draft of Romans and even worked on some portions from Genesis and Acts. I have a big backlog of recordings to go over, but it was great to get the recording done before rice harvest starts in a few weeks.
Please pray that we won’t have any typhoons that will damage the upcoming harvest.
Please pray that the recording drafts will help us see clearly which portions communicate clearly and which ones need more work.
Please pray for the ladies that are helping Heidi do a comprehension check on the book of Romans. Pray that they will be richly blessed by the truths in that book.
Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,