Business Address: Home Address:
Ethnos360 Mark Cain
312 West First Street 171 Schlabach Rd.
Sanford, Fl 32771 Greenwood, DE 19950
February-March 2018
Dear Ones,
Our greetings from the beautiful country of Colombia where we have been for 45 years!
Do you hear the bumper music coming from heaven? The printing of all the translated Scripture in the Guahibo language is just around the corner! This means that huge changes are coming for us, that we want you to know and pray with us about. Our landlady wants to sell the house, so wanted us to be out by the end of April. This forced us to accelerate our selling out and departing from Colombia, even though we have a little more to do to get the Scripture ready for print. Yet at the same time, this move brings joy to our hearts as this summer we will have all of our children and their families in Greenwood, Delaware at the same time. Now when you can have family from Mexico, Paraguay, Colombia and the USA come together at one time, you know you are blessed! It will also be a time of rejoicing as we see our second grandchild, Kenna Hunt, get married in June in Delaware. We were blessed to see her older brother, Jared, get married to Debora Unger in Paraguay in January.
Although we are leaving Colombia, we will not retire until sometime in 2019. In fact, both of us will be returning to Colombia for the month of September and into October as we, along with the Guahibo translators, finish off what needs to be done before printing the Guahibo Scripture. Please pray for God to provide the extra finances for us to fly back here as well as pay the travel, housing and salaries of the three Guahibo men helping us. It costs a lot more to have them come up to Bogotá, than for Mark to go out to where they are. However, because of it being rainy season, and a long stint, it suits better for this last check to be done here in Bogotá. If you would like to help with the costs of finishing up the revision of the Bible, send your money to the above Business Address and say it is for The Guahibo Bible Fund.
Around next spring, Mark will again fly back to Colombia to check out the formatted Scripture along with the two Guahibo translators, to insure that no mistakes were introduced in the process. He will also possibly do some translation consultant work. Then we both will come back for the wonderful dedication time of the Guahibo Bible (portions of the OT and all revised NT), Lord willing, the latter part of 2019! Getting the Bible printed and into the hands of the people is a translators goal and you might say crowning glory! Because the field still wants Mark to continue being a translation consultant, he plans to make trips as needed in the near future as long as he is able.
We are grateful for the nice house the Lord is providing for us a few miles from family in Greenwood, Delaware. It is a nice retirement community in the country and owned by a Mennonite man who is giving us a very good deal on leasing it. Pray as we adjust to a new life in the States and our itinerant ministry back to Colombia. With all that is going on this year, we are unable to visit all of you around the USA until sometime in the New Year. You can contact us at the above Delaware address and also we will continue to have a DE Vonage phone of: 302-349-2776.
For those of you who do not get e-mail communications from us, please note the recent name and address change of the organization we serve with. In October 2017, New Tribes Mission changed its name to ETHNOS 360 to adjust to the changes in the world. We still have the same vision of reaching the unreached for Christ.
As we face huge changes, we are glad all is in the hands of our never changing Heavenly Father! Thank you for being a part of our lives!
In His Care, Mark and Joyce Cain
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