A Life of Faith
Even in a devastated economy, most Americans today are able to pound the pavement and find some way to provide for themselves and their family. As a minister of the Gospel, I am dependent upon God as he provides through the rest of the Church body to meet our financial needs. It is a trial and test against my manhood and American independence to be able to simply forge ahead in ministry and trust that my loving Lord and Savior will stir the hearts of his people to provide for my family.
New Tribes Missionaries are faith supported. We do not receive a salary. We are dependent upon God’s provision through Churches and individuals like you who desire to be a part of what God is doing through us by preparing missionaries to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Our Budget is based off the recommended support levels established by NTM leadership in conjunction with recommendations from a variety of US churches. Our specific individual budget has been raised from the standard recommended budget to account for our medical needs. Overall our budget is based on what would be necessary to function at a modest, comfortable level in our current ministry.
Financial Update
We believe that we have a responsibility to be accountable to our supporters and to the stewardship entrusted to us by God. Here is a brief synopsis of our financial status:
Current Budget: $5,680/mo
Currently Receiving: $3,525/mo
Balance Needed: $2,155/mo
Click the link below for a breakdown of our budget
Stantons’ Financial Information 2011
As you can see, our income is significantly lower than our current recommended budget. Between our constant medical bills and decreasing support level, we have been running at a deficit for the last couple of years. We have eaten through much of our savings and retirement and are in danger of reaching a level that is unsustainable for our life and ministry needs.
How can you help?
Pray – Please pray that God will raise up new partners who are excited to be a part of what we are doing
Share – Tell others about our needs and encourage them to join our team
Give – Please consider how God may have you contribute to our cause
Would you consider partnering with us financially?
Electronic Funds Transfer is the easiest most efficient ways to make regular contributions – The form is HERE
Please visit How to Give for other options