Last night I (Kirk) drove from our village to the nearest city, a 50 minute trip, on an emergency medical evacuation. Kadi, wife of Masalu, the first believer among the Landumas, was in urgent need of medical attention.
Kadi was about 12 years old when she began working for us, washing laundry, back in 1992. Four years later she and Masalu were married, and now they have a large family.
Kadi gave birth to their youngest child about 2 months ago, by C-section. She has not been well since, and last night she had a crisis, including apparently a seizure. So we rushed her to the hospital.
Since the time he was saved in 1999, Masalu has hoped and prayed and worked for his wife’s salvation. She knows much truth from God’s Word, but whenever she has attended church meetings or otherwise shown interest in the salvation we share in Jesus, she has become the focus of village gossip and other social pressure, and as a result has retreated back to the familiar and safe religious and social life of her people.
Kadi seems to know that her husband is following the truth, but fear of family (for example, her brother, who is the village spiritual leader) and neighbors controls her and prevents her from following Jesus. Such is the case for all 5 wives of the two Christian Landuma men here.
- Please PRAY for Kadi’s physical healing, and for her spiritual healing (salvation) and that of her co-wives Fatumata and Mahawa, as well as for the salvation of Abulay’s wives Kadiyetu and Satu.
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