Mark & Holly Woodard are passionate about Unreached People Groups. These groups exist all over our great big globe & God has called us to reach them. If we can move, breathe, & think, we can be a part. The Woodard family first journeyed to Papua New Guinea in 1997 as one-year volunteers. Realizing the incredible need, they have spent the years since then, working full time in a village setting to see unreached peoples have an opportunity. Primarily they are church planters to remote people group in a jungle pocket of Papua New Guinea. Mark & Holly, along with their 4 children, and their coworkers, Brian & Andrea Holmquist, have been living and working among the Bagwido people since 2000. While there, they have learned the language & culture of the people, established a written alphabet for the previously unwritten language, helped to teach the village to read & to write, and helped teach & translate the Bible. Mark & Holly would say that it is only by the grace and power of God that He has allowed them a very small part in His big global plan.