Even in mission work, our ministries can become mundane and ordinary, when we loose our “heavenly perspective”; that is, the eternal results in of what we are doing. Occasionally God gives us a glorious “fresh perspective” to urge us on.
Thank you for praying for us as we traveled to Missouri and participated in our NTM Field Fair at the Missionary Training Center in Camdenton. I believe thirteen countries were represented by veteran missionaries who were presenting the specific and always pressing needs from their fields. What a privilege to stand before those one hundred plus students, eager candidates for the Lord’s service, and share our hearts.
The most often repeated plea from these reps was “We need people who are willing to come to our field and stay for the long haul.” The most often repeated response, “Oh, that I could be more than one person, or have more than one life to help meet these needs.” These candidates have quite a challenge before them as they seek God to know where to serve.
A highlight for us was to get to spend time with one of my former students at the MK school. He is now in the second year of the missionary training program and is so excited with what he is learning and the challenge put before him daily of reaching the unreached tribal groups of the world.
Inquiring more about his current studies, I found he was now taking grammar class. Knowing that had NOT been his favorite class in high school, I was surprised and pleased at his enthusiasm as he explained what he was learning. How thrilled I was to have him say, “I really enjoy this class. Everything I previously knew about grammar I learned in your class.” That put my ministry back into a right perspective.
If what I do can challenge some here and there to be involved in the greater job of reaching the unreached in their own native language, then God be praised for all He has done. What a joy, what a privilege to be a vessel for Him.
Thank you for praying that we will “stay for the long haul” in His service in Brazil. Pray for these candidates as they make their choices according to God’s will as to where they will serve.
I Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
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