We are sure thankful for the time you spend in prayer on our behalf. It is very easy to become discouraged when you see apathy among the believers. Sometimes it feels like they don’t want to sit and talk about what God is doing in their lives! We continually pray for the Lord to grow their hunger for His Word and that they would learn to spend daily time with the Lord. This is such a foreign concept to them.
We had an encouraging Sunday service. We had been praying that there would be more interaction after the teaching where the Tigak are asking questions and talk about what is being taught. This is exactly what happened on Sunday. We also have been burdened with the believers not striving to live in a way that looks different from the world. We have been careful to teach that salvation is through faith in Christ alone but now that they are believers there should be a desire to live a godly life. We have just come to the end of “sea cucumber” season. Everyone on the island has been working night and day to make lots of money while the opportunity was available. Nothing could get in their way of making more money. Ned was able to share a “tok piksa” (talk picture) of how this is exactly how we should be living our lives for Christ. Nothing should be more important – nothing should stop us from serving the Lord in whatever way He has for us to serve. They REALLY got this and it spoke to their hearts. Please pray with us that they would learn to live their lives daily for the Lord and continue to grow in their walk with the Lord. Our whole goal in being present in the Tigak tribe is to build up a self-functioning New Testament church that does not need us here to continue to grow and multiply. Pray that we can see this goal fulfilled!
We would also appreciate your prayers for our health. Ned is dealing with a foot infection and Linn has a kidney infection. Pray that the antibiotics would kick in and take care of the problems. Right now they are not preventing us from working, but they are both things that could go bad if the antibiotics don’t do their job.
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