According to Naya, mommy and daddy were Graduators last Friday, the 21st!
Candid photo from Graduation! |
We had a lovely graduation ceremony at the MTC, and both of us received a Bachelors of Intercultural Ministries! We are SO thankful to each individual and church who has stood beside us and walked with us through love and support (prayer, finances, friendship) during these 3.5 years of training! THANK YOU!
Noe’s mom and Lisa’s parents all came out to Missouri for our graduation, and we all flew back to Seattle together on the 22nd. We just enjoyed a lovely Christmas celebration with our families, and we look forward to these next 3.5 weeks to rest and be refreshed and spend more time with family, friends, and church family.
Naya singing a Christmas song at church
in Missouri |
On Jan. 14th we will return to Missouri one last time for Lisa to take the Linguistics course. She will be in classes from 8 – 2 Monday thru Friday Noe has the -stretching- opportunity to stay home with the girls. He plans to teach them through the chronological Foundational Bible Teaching (FBT), do some casual/informal homeschooling (they will start formal schooling in the fall, most likely homeschooling), and also work on some Partnership Development.
In an upcoming blog entry, we will share about the Linguistics program, and we will continue to update you on our preparations for Papua New Guinea! We have been approved for membership with NTM, which will be effective in February.
In the next 1 – 2 months we will be sending out a newsletter with a few photos, info on PNG, and opportunities for you to get involved! With summer 2014 as our anticipated goal for departure, we can nearly begin a countdown with you- about 18 months! So again, thank you for walking with us, and we hope you will continue along this journey!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
~the Martinez Family