Well, it’s safe to say that we are now lining up at the starting blocks. Or perhaps we’re like a horse entering the starting gate, eager to burst out and start the race.
Ok, well…. we still have MUCH to do in preparation. Packing, sorting, thinking, goodbye-ing…
(Teaching the girls some entry level construction skills… how special it would be for them to help build our house in the jungle!)
Our hope and plan is to involve you in all of this. This is a partnership after all. We have the privilege of being the FEET and going. But we don’t take lightly the partnership you share with us – each financial gift given, each prayer offered up, each email or text or phone call to encourage us… THANK YOU!
With that said, we hope you will be able to join us for our final stateside gatherings, and that you will be sure that you are connected to our email list and our blog.
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- Commissioning services
- Open houses (aka farewells… no crying!)