Well friends, the day has finally come!
After 15 years (give/take) of anticipating being involved in church planting and Bible translation, we have joined a church planting work!
Last Sunday, 2-22-15, after MUCH prayer, thought, and seeking counsel, we decided to join the Tigak work. We are incredibly thrilled! (And many other emotions…)
We knew our girls enjoyed our time in Tigak for Bush Orientation. But before we made our final decision on Sunday, we sat down with them and asked them point blank: Would you want to live in Tigak? They both responded with a hearty, “Yes!”
We asked them, “Why?”
Naya’s response was, “I want to see my friends again and learn the Tigak language so that I can talk to them and tell them about Jesus.” (Wow! If that doesn’t thrill our hearts as parents…)
Jocie’s 5-year-old answer was a rapid-fire, “Because-there’s-a-tire-swing!” (Uh-HUH…)
We then asked her, “What if there was no tire swing? Would you still want to go there?”
She then answered, “Yeah. I want to see my friends…”
All that to say… we are so overjoyed that we have been given the privilege to know Him, love Him, and serve Him together as a family! All four of us are excited to move into Tigak and begin learning the language and grasping more of the culture.
We can’t WAIT to share this journey with you, our brothers and sisters in Him!
Be sure to check out our Bush Orientation video ~ these are some of the people that you will get to know along with us.