Goodbye 2014. Hello 2015! Thank you so much for your prayers and support for us throughout this past year. As I reflect back on all that happened during 2014 I’m so thankful for how God has been at work in our family. 2014 was filled with times of transition for our family, but all the while God has been faithful. The biggest transition was moving to New Tribes Training Center in Durham, Ontario. God has used our time at the training center to challenge me personally in my walk with God, in our marriage, and with my role as a father. I’m so thankful for all the lessons that I’ve learned and pray that I can continue to apply those lessons daily to my life.
As we look ahead to 2015 as a family, we are eager to see how God continues to work in our lives. No doubt He wants to continue to mold and shape us so that we are more like Him. The year ahead will be full of challenges but we know that God will remain faithful as we serve Him. Ellen and I will begin language classes this semester. We will not be learning a specific language, but learning all about language structure, sounds, etc. Then, we will be able to have the skills needed to create a written language where there is only spoken language. As I think about our goal, to see a church planted with a group of people that doesn’t currently have access to God’s Word at all in their own language, it seems impossible. The task seems so daunting, but yet I know that it is through the work of God that we will be able to accomplish this (Philippians 4:13). It’s not about our abilities, but about God working through us to accomplish His plan. What God continues to remind me of is the great opportunity that we have as a team (you and us) to reach one of the 2,500 unreached groups with the Gospel! How exciting that is. If you would like more information on how you can partner with us and be more involved in the work that God is doing please contact us!
Serving Him,
Paul, Ellen and the rest of the Swenson tribe