Everything smelled like fall today as we headed dow the stairs to our 8am class. The three stairwell windows let in the delightful smell of damp grass and dying leaves! If I could have bottled it, I would have! The homework was light this week (again!), but Payton and I did end up splurging at Jackson Coffee Company. It was the first time we’d gone and sat at a coffee shop since Colorado…I’d forgotten how much sugar blended mochas (with blackberry syrup) have–I was totally wired down to my toes (literally)–and it was decaf! We worked on our word studies for Hermeneutics. That was when I also remembered that coffee shops can be noisy. So, my word study on “felt the necessity”(Gr. anagke) was interjected with the conversation of three insurance salesmen all suited up and selling their policies over the phone to unwary individuals. So, as I’m understanding Jude’s “need” to write, the salesmen are trying to get people to understand their “need” to buy insurance.

This weekend was simple, yet enjoyable. Ruth and I got to spend most of Saturday gutting and carving pumpkins. Hope had already carved hers the day before and Amy was still in Israel. We also roasted the seeds for some delightful snacking. If you notice, my dad is in the background with a smirk on his face. The reason being was the question he had just posed, stumping us. He had quite a few new thoughts from his studies like, “Where does authority come from?” and “Where do demons get their authority?” and other lovely, interactive questions. It was quite the pumpkin carving event!

Just the day before I had also had another encounter with a giant vine-grown monstrosity…nicknamed “Asana” by our good buddy, Garran. I acquired the pink banana squash for $2 at the farmer’s market. It’s now pureed and frozen for winter in the event that I miss fall sometime in December when everything is frozen and want a taste of brighter days. I’ve never appreciated fall this much in all of my years! I’m glad the seasons change and give us bountiful variety, otherwise I’d have to really try not to become bored.
Here are our pumpkins on the porch, laughing. Well, my lion was probably growling…by the way, a lion’s mane is ridiculous to try and carve on a pumpkin–do the smart thing and carve a normal face 🙂
Fall was always my favorite part of living in Ohio. The season isn't so distinct here.