We’re going to be doing a webfast for the next month! The whole first semester class is doing it, and we didn’t get this opportunity our first semester since it hadn’t been introduced yet. Our friends in CP1 wrote good blog posts about it, so I’ll let them do the explaining! Check out the Miller’s and Muller’s blogs for more details.
Since our decision was super last minute, I’m kind of in a rush to wrap up all of our web-related loose ends. Feel free to email our @ntm accounts, but we’d rather you call or send us a letter!
In other news, Payton and I celebrated 4 years! We enjoyed a day down in Springfield. Payton did the most beautiful thing…he chose the restaurant and printed out a menu ahead of time. I hate trying to decide while under pressure! Plus it was mostly natural foods, so I didn’t have to mind my liver while deciding on what to eat! It was a lovely time and it caused to reflect on the faithfulness of God in our lives.
Can you find Payton in this picture? This was on Labor Day at Ha Ha Tonka part with a bunch of people from our small group. We all stopped to eat lunch at the natural bridge.
See you next month!