When I was in the 5th grade, at a mission conference at my local church, the Lord burdened me with the need for missionaries to tell His Gospel to unreached people groups. Then, when I graduated from high school, I decided to go to New Tribes Bible Institute and began training to be a missionary knowing that was the path on which the Lord was leading me.
The longer I’ve been in this “business” the more it becomes less about what I am going to do for the Lord and more about what He has for me to do. It has become less about where I want to go and more about blooming where He plants me. This journey has definitely not been what I expected, but it has been good, because God is good, and He has led me every step of the way.
For this stage of my life, God has opened up the door to work with the Nahautl people in central Mexico. I am partnering with Peter & Liesl Hypki, Katie Moore, and Tom & Teresa Elkins. We are currently living in a little mountain village with the people, beginning to learn the language & culture of this unreached people group.
Ministry Video from rachel chapman on Vimeo.