Future Generations
I have all sorts of pictures on my phone, probably too many. One that I have saved from 2021 (long before I even I had the phone I am using) is a prayer that I come across and return to frequently. When I realized I wanted to use it in my post for these last […]
Encouragement for Believers
I recently was able to accompany my mom at her church’s annual conference. It was an encouraging time, as different ministries of the church shared how God was moving in the city and beyond, an elder presented a challenge from the Scriptures, and the finance committee highlighted all the good works being accomplished through tithing. […]
Back to School, Here and There
Our missionary kids started school about a month ago, a bit earlier than schools in the States since we have longer breaks within the year. As schools in the States were all finally in session this past week, I kept seeing two news headlines related to the return of teenagers to the classroom. One headline […]
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