I’m still behind the times, which again shouldn’t be a shock. I am still in the States, and I’m trying to do all the things others are doing during safer-at-home orders. But I have not finished Netflix.
I have a watchlist that keeps getting longer instead of shorter. The PBS app alone will keep me occupied with documentaries for quite a while still. I still haven’t read as many books as I’d like, and my list of titles to checkout from the public library remains a mile long. I haven’t yet delved into an end-times Bible study. (This really is on my list as I’ve avoided it for far too long.) I am baking and cooking, but again, I still have lots of recipes to try. I have had some successes and want to repeat some too! I haven’t explored all the nearby restaurants with pickup service either. I am not sick of being mostly at home yet.
I am weary of computer-based work, which seems to be on par with the times. I’ve been able to use this time in the States to earn almost all of the required hours of continuing education for my teaching certificate. This is a big deal, and I am thankful for the relaxed schedule and online availability of professional development as my certificate expires next year, but it has meant a lot of sessions via Zoom. The level of video interaction hasn’t been overwhelming, but the time staring at a screen has been. I also spend a chunk of time each day emailing; most communication these days is focused on scenarios for next school year. Field and school leadership haven’t been able to make firm decisions yet, but we continue to work through all the information we know and thus how the school year may occur,
So, I am still behind the times, but maybe I’ll be caught up just in time to head back to the field!