Again, from Managing Director Keith Copley
We are overwhelmed with the response to the call to pray for our Mibu brothers and sisters! God is working, because of those prayers.
The initial confrontation with the criminal gang in Mibu this weekend did not end in violence! We believe this is a direct answer to prayer. However, threats were made that if demands go unmet there will be reprisals. This has left the Mibu church under tremendous social pressure to give in to the demands of this group, and this has many of our brothers and sisters conflicted.
And while Mibu was spared violence this weekend, other areas were not so fortunate. Fighting between this criminal group and another village in the area resulted in some injuries and more destruction of property (i.e. multiple house burnings). The threat of harm is still very real, and the whole situation remains very fluid.
PLEASE continue to pray:
- Pray that the Mibu church will follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit as they seek the Lord’s will in their responses to this gang, and not rely on the traditional responses that are rooted very much in fear. May they truly be a city on a hill, shining the light of truth and peace amid such darkness and violence.
- Pray for this entire region. SO many hurting people because of this group.
- Continue to pray that the Lord will show himself strong on behalf of the church in Mibu.
- Continue to pray that the Lord will be glorified!