Well of course He is, but when? As a funny joke/hope, we have been saying since 2015, that maybe He would come back in 2020….you know, because of 20/20 vision. With the bizarre events of the past six months, who knows?
One thing is for certain, we are still walking by faith and trusting that more and more people will be brought into God’s family, for we know and believe that “The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2nd Peter 3:9
And so we keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and Perfecter of our faith, and keep you updated on how we see Him continue to work in and through our lives and others.
Roland and the team here having been planning and waiting for the day when they could bring fiber optics to the campus to provide more consistent internet. Praise the Lord it is finally happening. First all of the equipment had to be ordered and delivered.
After our two year home assignment in the states, we moved back to Canada in December, 2019. Jinni was able to continue her education in the states, and completed her Masters degree in Education and finished her training as a Certified NILD Educational Therapist. To find out more about that, click here.
Like everyone else on the planet, life as we knew it stopped around March/April of 2020. Schools and businesses were closed, borders were closed, chaos and uncertainty arrived. Many missionaries returned from the field and several are living on campus, unsure of what the future will bring.
Praise the Lord, Emanate, and the Academy, will be starting up on August 31st. We have 33 students enrolled in the Academy and 12 new missionary trainees. Three of them have to do the first week online, because they are coming in from states, and have to quarantine for 14 days.
Even though the world seemed to slow down or stop for a bit, God was and always will be, at work. To read about some of those occurrences, check out Ethnos Canada’s ministry prayer/praise page.
God did not give us a Spirit of fear; stay safe, take advantage of opportunities to share of His love and encourage and love one another!
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