A Desperate Need
As I shared in my last update, a young Nukak man died the day we arrived in the village there in Colombia. It brought to the forefront the sobering reality of the fragility of life and how desperately the Nukak people need the hope of the gospel.
Pray for the missionaries to reach a proficiency in culture and language in order to clearly present truths from God’s Word to the Nukak people. It was such a privilege to visit with the missionaries and to hear their heart for the Nukak people.
Never a Dull Moment
I hit the ground running after my trip to Colombia, attending a three-day Communications Summit.
Thankfully, it was right here at our NTM USA headquarters and I got to sleep in my own bed. And the Summit? It was great!
Then it was time to dive back into the usual weekly assignments and schedule. In addition, there were recorded interviews to transcribe and articles to write generated from the Colombia trip. But it’s been a lot of fun. And challenging. And encouraging.
What’s Ahead?
But there’s more to come. I’m planning a trip to New York the end of June through the beginning of July. My goal is to spend time reconnecting with the great support team I have there.
I’m so thankful to the churches, family and friends who’ve been behind me in their prayers, and often their finances — and not just those in New York!
I couldn’t be here writing stories of what God is doing around the world, challenging and encouraging others to engage in world-wide missions, if it weren’t for this great partnership team! Thank you!