Towards the end of last month Cathren and I began to make plans to visit her grandmother up in Central Pennsylvania. We had planned to visit her during the first week of March. As the time grew near we found ourselves swamped in other engagements and decided it would be okay to postpone the visit until after Cathren delivers our baby. No big deal right?

Cathren returned home from doing the laundry yesterday and informs me that her 91 year old grandmother had taken a really bad fall the day before. She broke her shoulder, several ribs and punctured a lung. The brakes will heal in time but there is fear that because of the punctured lung she may develop pneumonia. This would be critical. She has lived alone for the past 30 years or so and lives in a house with steep steps leading up stairs and into the basement. we are afraid that this time around will prevent her from returning home to living the life she is used to. And the nostalgia of visiting grandma at her little house in the mountains for Cathrens family is something I can barely begin to speak of.
Our prayer request is for wisdom and peace. The past is the past and we cant change that we didn’t visit her a couple weeks ago, but what would the Lord have us do now? Cathren is now less then a week from her due date. Is it safe to travel so far? And we do need to take rest in the sovereignty of our Lord, knowing that things may never be the same with Grandma and we don’t know how long we will have her around.
On another note I would like prayer for myself and a few other individuals. No matter how many times I think I’m done with skateboarding, God puts it back in front of me. I have a friend named Bryan that needs desperately to grow in his understanding of who God is. Bryan wants to skateboard with me all the time. So we went out the other day and met a guy named Jeff. Jeff rides skateboards so instantly we have a blooming relationship with Jeff. Jeff doesn’t know Christ as his one true savior. So the three of us skated yesterday and met a boy named Tyler who joined in riding skateboards with us. all this to say, God is answering prayer. He is continuing to give me opportunities to share my faith with the lost through real intentional relationships. Pray that I will get time with these guys and that the time will be used to God’s glory! Thank you all so much for going before the Lord in our behalf.