Wow… so much news, and so few posts! I hardly know where to begin!
I suppose I’ll start with Family Camp. For pictures, check out Rachel’s facebook albums here, here and here. You may need to be logged in to facebook, but I’m not sure.
Family camp was a great time. It included about 60 people from what has come to be known as the NarJon family. We all stayed in two next-door houses in Virginia, while the owners of those houses stayed in their own closet or office. Pretty good hospitality if you ask me.
Some of the highlights for me included 6:00am runs with Jonathan and/or Joshua (depending on the day), a trip to the beach, and a tour of a winery in Williamsburg. I also enjoyed watching some very fierce competition in Texas Hold ’em, as well as playing Blokkus and more than my fair share of Ticket to Ride (AKA “Ticket”, “You got a ticket?”, or Jared’s “Tickety”).
Rachel was definitely overwhelmed at first from meeting 50 of my family members. But as the week went on, she found herself enjoying everyone’s company, and ended up really enjoying herself. Whether it was shopping in Smithfield, or tasting seven different kinds of similarly unbearable wines, she has become quite pleased to be a part of my family.
I hope this update finds you all healthy, wealthy, and at least slightly smarter than a 5th grader.
Ps. More updates are on their way, including info about Rachel’s photography, and what’s been keeping us busy lately.
In due time…
so when do part two and three come out?
hmmm… it’s possible that you’re not friends with Rachel. You may have to be on Rachel’s friend list to see the content. I’ll see if I can confirm this…
Yep. Sure enough. You have to be friends with Rachel Narwold on facebook (I’m pretty sure there’s only one) in order to see those pictures.
Thanks for the update – it was very interesting to read about your adventures and how God used you.
I clicked on all of the “here” links and each one gave “content currently unavailable”. I’ll try again later.