This particular post is a window into the life of a very ordinary person, doing an ordinary job, surrounded by extraordinary people serving an infinitely extraordinary God.
Here’s what it looks like outside: I didn’t know when this day dawned, but it’s a good day for coding. I’ve been a little off the past several days (quiet, Bruce), so today has been good for me. My time spent searching for and finding a bug, then restructuring a lot of code to get […]
On the team I’m part of, some brilliant and creative people have been working hard over months to get a logo together that visually represents who we are and what we do. Here’s what they produced: I love it! The 360 in our name basically stands for “Around the World”, so a circular or globe […]
Well I sure am tired, but man did I have fun at the Indigitous Hackathon! Here was the space where our team was working: I was able to contribute some code to add an admin interface to the BibleBox setup on a Raspberry Pi. With this setup, missionaries, Pastors, whoever can share videos, bible passages, […]
Warning! WordPress 4.7 revamps how the actions and filters are handled, and as a result, this method no longer works! Sorry :/ A problem I ran into on a job this week was a contact form plugin that uses irreversible form field invalidation. In short, once a field has been marked invalid, it’s impossible to […]
This week was "slow" in that there were no fires to put out, and no big to-do's due any time soon. That means that instead of working on what needs to be done right away, I was able to dig into some projects that were on the back burner...
Never fear, Superman is here! Or at least you’d think he is the way people are talking lately. I suppose that’s what happens when an addition to a team is so long in coming. I’ll set up the timeline for you: Spring, 2012 – While seeking a student to help work on the website, Rex, the […]
Florida vs Papua New Guinea As we prepare to move our family from Cozy Colorado to Sunny Florida to begin our ministry with New Tribes Mission, we find ourselves comparing our transition to that of our friends who are leaving to minister as church planters in Papua New Guinea. Here is a quick comparison: Us […]
As some of you know, being “Enroute” to my ministry with NTM does not mean that I haven’t started yet. There’s a lot going on in my department (Communications) at the NTM USA home office, and there’s even some work I can contribute to remotely. In the last two weeks, I’ve been able to be […]
So this post could have been up a month ago, but guess what! We’re members of NTM! On May 22nd, Rachel and I graduate from the Missionary Training Center and received our degrees (You’re reading something written by a guy with a bachelor’s!) On June 1st, Rachel and I were accepted as members of New […]