All ministry is about relationships. Any ministry is about relationships. Without relationships there is no ministry–we would simply be a stuffed shirt touting our own stuffing. Therefore, ministry is very difficult to quantify, measure, and qualify. I am the recipient of others’ ministries and strive to serve others myself. This being said, the ministries I find myself most a part of outside of the clinic are relationships rather than a specific title and job description.This time around, God is focusing my ministries more inward towards missionary care than outwards towards outreach, while still allowing me the thrill of being involved in global church planting. In each relationship, there is a desire for friendship, yes, but more than that, there is the desire to be an encouragement, to remind each other of God’s truth, to enjoy doing life together, and, in my case, to feed the hungry (i.e. baking and feeding whoever shows up at my house! Haha!).
So what does this look like, you ask? Like this…
…Triplex picnic every Tuesday lunch–singles living close to our part of the Center bring their lunches to enjoy together outside.
…Wednesday lunch with my friend Bonita–talk about life and help with language learning.
…Thursday lunch with my work meri (housekeeper)–talk about life and straightening my Tok Pigin
…Thursday night Bible studies with the ladies, organized by friends.
…Saturday Bung (meeting/get-together) for singles at my house–feeding the hungry in practice! Haha!
…Helping lead singing sometimes for church on Sunday.
…sitting on a porch chatting with a neighbor.
…checking on a friend that’s had a rough week.
…having tea with friends.
…messaging, calling, and Skyping with friends and family back home.
…enjoying a meal at a friend’s house.
…praying for others.
…creative projects for the clinic.
…playing Apples to Apples and telephone pictionary and laughing until your sides hurt.
…and today, being the “Mystery Reader” for the 3rd grade class at Numanohi Christian Academy.
Ministry. Receiving it. Giving it. Living it. Loving it!