Thank you for praying for us and for the Guahibo church. Your prayers have been answered!
God was working and guiding every step of that time. “God knew what we needed” was the expression of several brothers and sisters in Christ, who manifested in various ways the joy of listening and learning about the Word of God.
The theme “signs of a healthy church” brought more understanding, clarity and encouragement to the leaders and brothers in Christ who wish to continue, with the guidance of God, in the task of feeding and taking care of the flock in the different churches where the Guahibo people live.
The many ways in which God dealt with various people, according to their spiritual need was evident. Watching the leaders teach, applying the Word to their lives, encouraging believers to have a transparent relationship and honest relationship with the Lord, and challenging the church to be a partaker of God’s great purposes, was a great blessing.
Women, expressive and willing to honestly share the trials they face, pressure and struggle to believe only God, and not what their culture teaches … “Your son is sick, take him to the witch, obey what he says”(The pressure of family and community is strong and constant). The witch forbids many foods, which leads to the rapid death of the sick. In the midst of many situations similar to these, and even more difficult, they continue to grow in their relationship with God, and He receives all the honor and glory that only He deserves. Please pray that they will continue to walk in victory and mature in faith.
Some of the leaders prayed for Joseph (and his family). They are soon to begin the task of evangelizing a large number of Guahibos living in north-eastern part of Colombia. PRAISE THE LORD!
This couple has served the Lord for more than 15 years in their community and in other villages, teaching, discipling and training new leaders. We appreciate your support in prayer in this new ministry that brings new challenges for Joseph, his family and the church, extending to new places.
We praise the Lord, for brothers who are willing to believe in God and serve Him, which brings blessing, commitment and spiritual health to the church.
There are plans for the near future, in the expansion of the church to other regions. We will keep you informed, your support in prayer is very valuable.
Rejoice with us and praise the Lord because He continues to build His church among the Guahibo ethnic group.
Thank you so very much for being a part of this ministery.
Alberto y Nancy Gonzalez