Visiting teammates.
In August, Alberto had the opportunity to visit the missionaries planting the church in the among the Tikuna in Colombia. The translation of the Scriptures is being finished by being finalized by a couple of missionaries from Wycliff, they live on the border with Peru. Our desire is for the Tikuna church in Peru to have a broader vision of the needs of the work in Colombia, and as a team with the missionaries, to write the biblical resources to see a healthy church that affects and extends to many places. We appreciate your prayers, the team of missionaries needs guidance, direction and encouragement to go ahead to finish the work. It is a good opportunity for discipleship.
José Arturo and family were invited to share their ministry in a national church, they spent a weekend with the young people of this church
The main focus of the time over there was: “Knowing God“, for Joseph and his family that theme was an immediate reality when seeing the love and interest of these brothers for their life and ministry! As you already know they are starting to teach the gospel to the Guahibo people in a wide region to the north-east of Colombia. We praise God for his faithfulness to Joseph and his family, the leaders of this church expressed the desire to support them in various ways and this has been a great encouragement for them.
Pastor Birgilio and the leaders of different ethnic groups participated in this event. It was a joy for the attendees to meet brothers from other groups and to recognize how God continues planting his church in different ethnic groups.
During the meetings, Birgilio shared about the importance of knowing the culture of the tribe where the message of salvation is being communicated, so that the teaching of the Word be clear, in order to have healthy churches.
It was a great joy for Alberto to meet some Guahibo brothers from Guaviare, who have been taught by Birgilio and Alex, these new believers asked him for different biblical materials to continue teaching and discipleship in their communities. Praise the Lord!!
We continue to pray for the region of Planas.
Planas is located to the north east of Colombia where around ten thousand Guahibos live. It is an oil zone, and their culture and life has changed a little.
The end of November, a team of leaders of the church of Puerto Paloma will be traveling again with the purpose of renewing the vision and the commitment to begin teaching in that place. There is a family of the team of disciples, who want to go to live in Planas, who already have familiars there. Please pray, since it is important to wisely choose a community where this family can establish themselves and continue to develop new relationships. This is exciting. Several years ago, we are praying for God to allow the gospel to be taught in this place. Alberto is going to join the team of leaders in this trip. Thanks for praying.
Publication of the Bible in a single volume.
Thank the Lord for his faithfulness. After years of work by Mark, Joyce and the team of translators, updating the N.T. in a few months the O.T. will be printed and published along with the N.T. in a single volume!
Praise the Lord! to allow to complete this wonderful task that brings life and light to the Guahibo ethnicity by communicating the Word of God in a clear and understandable, resulting in firm and healthy churches.
Praise the Lord as well for standing with us through your prayer!
Witnesses of Gods love and faithfulness.
Alberto y Nancy González.
In His Service.