The Guahibo people are scattered throughout the extensive territory of eastern Colombia. We thank God that the
church continues to spread to very remote locations, some of which are not easily accessible, requiring long hikes
across the plains, riding motorcycles or bicycles on trails and navigating rivers by canoe.
We are grateful to the Lord for the team of disciples, the “old ones” and the “new ones” who continue teaching.
Praise God that the cycle is repeated as disciples make new disciples!
“I walked for three days to get here,” one of the attendees told us, and another expressed the same. Being able to read the Word and hear such clear teaching in their own language makes all the difference; it makes such an effort worthwhile. These men and others are the fruit of the teaching of the first phase of Firm Foundations in five village communities. The teaching of the rest of God’s Word must be continued and the disciples are encouraged to carry on with that task. Let’s be praying that the Lord would provide them with strength, health and financial provision.
This was the third of four trips which have been planned for this year. Alberto always travels with a group of disciples. It’s a joy and a blessing to travel and work as a team despite the hard conditions, long hours on trails and
narrow tracks and the tedious waits for motorcycle repairs to be made. Travelling such long distances is much
less burdensome in good company with good fellowship. It is evident that during their times together their “batteries” are recharged, their spirits are strengthened, and their vision is renewed to carry on. Psalm 133:1
Through the book of Ephesians, God helped Alberto share about how to be leaders who help believers grow, understanding their identity as children of God. This is the first time that the men in this region have heard these powerful truths, and they are challenging concepts to take in. What are implications? They need to believe them and go on to live in obedience. This is undoubtedly the work of the Holy Spirit. Let’s pray for our brothers as they continue to grow spiritually.
This group of Guahibo brothers sends a greeting to you all!
Alberto and the team of disciples spent three days there in a time of fellowship, visiting with some of the Christian families.
Serving together,
Alberto and Nancy Gonzale