The past 6 weeks since Simeon arrived have been incredible. We continue to fall in love with this little guy more and more each day. While there were a few challenges at first, such as little sleep and difficulties with feeding, we’ve retained our sanity and he is healthy and growing well. It was a joy to have Rachel’s mom, Erika, with us during those first couple weeks. She was a great blessing and help to us as we figured out life again.
Ministry Partnership Development
We have already seen God at work, and we continue to be encouraged by how He is building our team of ministry partners. We are currently at 23% of the monthly financial level we need to minister in Papua New Guinea. We consider it a privilege to fill our time by sharing more about what God is doing worldwide through His Church, and our part in that.
Compared to our years in training, this season of MPD is very different, but we are finding a new rhythm, and are enjoying the many opportunities this time is bringing. Building relationships and connecting with our home church is a joy and privilege. Week to week, Ministry Partnership Development for us looks like: making connections and appointments, meeting with individuals and sharing with churches and small groups.
Summer Travel
Though our home for this year is East Tennessee, we’ll be leaving early May for around four months of travel. We’ll be in Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Idaho, California, Washington, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Wisconsin. We’ll be sharing in several churches and small groups during this time, meeting with individuals, visiting ministry partners, friends and family. Two months of this time will be spent in the Vancouver, WA area. While in Wisconsin, we’ll also have the opportunity to speak at our Alma Matter, Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI.
Leave Date
Our projected launch date for Papua New Guinea is mid January of 2021. Along with MPD this year, we are continuing to prepare by: working on applications and paperwork necessary to serve in Papua New Guinea, researching, planning and buying equipment, etc. It has become apparent just how much needs to happen and be accomplished during this year, and as we work, we are depending on Him to make this happen.
Prayer Points
We’re grateful for your partnership through prayer, here are some specifics:
1. Our continued growth as parents, we desire to parent with excellence and exemplify a Christ-like family publicly and privately.
2. Wisdom as we continue working, and watching in awe as He builds our team of partners.
3. That we would be a blessing and edify the Body at our home church during our time here.
4. Our summer plans as some details are still being finalized.
5. Our family as we prepare to make the transition to Papua New Guinea.
-Andrew, Rachel & Simeon