The State Fair of Texas is the largest fair in the US, garnering over 2 million visitors each year. Emblematic of this is the 55 foot tall cowboy affectionately known as Big Tex. For 65 years he has been a staple of the state fair, always attracting large crowds of people. This year I learned of another cowboy at the fair known as Shorty McCoy who is a marionette standing a whopping 17 inches tall.
Big Tex is nearly 40 times larger than Shorty McCoy and while the majority of people go to see the largest cowboy at the fair, hardly anybody goes to see the smallest cowboy. This is unfortunately the picture of what missions looks like to the unreached people groups of the world. The majority of missionaries go to where the largest Christian witness exists, and the vast minority of missionaries go to where the smallest Christian witness exists.

Of course there is nothing wrong with going to a “reached” place; everyone needs the gospel. Yet the large imbalance in how few are going to the “unreached,” cannot be denied. In Papua New Guinea there are over 400 people groups with out a single verse of scripture translated into their language. Our desire is to plant a church among an unreached people group in Papua New Guinea and to translate the Bible into their language. Through your faithful prayers and giving you also are taking part in reaching the unreached, which is why we are so grateful for your partnership. We cannot do it without you.
Please pray for the hundreds of people groups in Papua New Guinea who have no chance to hear the gospel or read God’s word.
Grace and Peace,
Anthony and Kara Linn Haskins