The Kaluli people of western Papua New Guinea have historically believed that everything in the world came from humans. In the beginning, people covered a formless earth and were cold and hungry for there was no food or shelter. One day a man gathered all the people and began to separate them to different tasks. Some people he told to become trees, some to become fish, some bananas, and some streams until the whole earth was brimming with life. All things came from man and are merely people in a different form.
We recently got to visit the new creation science museum in Dallas where they had an immersive 3D experience of the biblical account of creation. We got to watch God shape a formless world and fill it with life and humans made in His image. It’s a story quite different from the Kaluli people where God, not man created everything. What you believe about the creation of the earth, the plants, animals, and humans is an important building block of a worldview. And it is your worldview, that greatly affects how you process the gospel message.
This is one of many reasons why we teach the Bible beginning with creation and through key stories in the Old Testament prior to the life of Jesus and his work on the cross. Please pray for the people groups of Papua New Guinea who are held captive by varying lies and false narratives. Pray for the missionaries to learn well the language and culture in order for the biblical worldview to break through these strongholds. While you may not be the one learning a tribal language, your prayers are indispensable to worldview transformations, unreached becoming reached, and thriving churches being established.
We are so grateful for your continued prayer and support of us as we are preparing to go to PNG. It is a big task and we can only complete it with God’s provision. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining our team, let us know and we would love to share more information! We also want to hear from you and pray for you, so let us know how things are going in your life!
Grace and Peace,
Anthony and Kara Linn Haskins