Back in February we mailed off our work permits to Papua New Guinea. Five months and a pandemic later we received Anthony’s work permit but not Kara Linn’s. Now, after another nearly three months and a lot of “knocking on doors,” we finally got Kara Linn’s work permit in hand! We owe a lot of thanks to our co-workers in the capital who made this happen as well as to you all for praying with us over these many months. The next step, unfortunately, is more government paperwork so please pray for our entry permits to be granted which we are told takes about a month.
We were overjoyed to become pregnant over the summer, but we found out a few weeks ago that our baby Diamond had already died. Immediately after the miscarriage, Kara Linn came down with a bad cold/flu. Between the pregnancy and everything that has come after that, she has not been well for several months. Please be praying that her health will improve significantly so that we can all be healthy as we prepare to move to PNG. This year has been a refining test of our faith. Many days it feels like we aren’t passing the test, but God is maturing us one degree of glory at a time into the full radiance of Jesus. If only it weren’t such a slow process! Keep praying for us to continue to press on and keep the faith.
We appreciate every one of you for praying for us and supporting us this year. We’ve made a new prayer card with our family photo that we’d love to send you as a reminder to pray for us. Please email us with a good mailing address and we will get one into your hands. While you are emailing us your address, please include how we can be specifically praying for you and your family. We consider ourselves partners with YOU in what God is doing in Papua New Guinea. So as you pray for us we’d love to be praying for you as well.
Grace and Peace,
Anthony and Kara Linn Haskins