We heard a wonderful testimony from Kiri (short for Kristina) during the New Year Day’ service. She had some unsaved relatives staying with her for the holidays. She sat everyone down in a candlelit room (no electricity in the house) and passed out some bread and pop. Then she told them this: “When we lived in our village back home, New Year’s celebration meant one thing: a drinking party. We would drink too much, then we would fight and people would get hurt. We never got sad about this for very long because we didn’t know any better. We were living in darkness and we didn’t know any other way. But then God sent Barry and Lindy and their families. Just like God sent Moses to bring the Israel people out of slavery, he sent the missionaries to bring us out of the darkness into the light. Now that we live in the light, we have no more desire to spend New Year’s the way we did in the past. It’s like we have been set free! We have the Lord to thank for that!”
Col 1:12 – 14 “…giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,…”
Barry and Denise Spor says
Awesome Mendy glad you found the posts to be a blessing! May God challenge you as you read about tribal church planting. Barry and Denise