Rey carried a big teaching load over the two weeks, waking up at 2 or 3 am to study, at night studying late to be ready to teach Roberto. Some of the themes and Bible stories were new to him and impressed him. So at the end of the teaching he came over to our porch just to sit and bask in what had just happened through the unpacking of the Word and Roberto’s trusting Jesus to pay his sin debt and give him Life. He and I felt closer ties being forged at having worked together in the Word and seeing the Spirit take His Word and lifting up Christ to Roberto. He told me “Barry, I go about my day and my mind just keeps replaying the Word all day long! It is enjoyable!” Neat to see this work of the Spirit in him! We invite you to go to the throne of Grace for Rey and the other teachers in training for a few seconds right now, that the Spirit would do that internal work so that they would desire to continue to do this for a lifetime. Thanks.