As the end of the 2 weeks teaching drew to an end I, Barry, asked Roberto to express what he understood from the
teaching and a lot of what is written above he shared. Then Leoncio, who had done a bit of the teaching too, was asked if he wanted to say anything to Roberto regarding whether he was trusting in Jesus’ work for Roberto or not. Leoncio was quiet for a while then turned to talk to Roberto and began to cry. In a broken voice he shared from his own experience of just how merciful and gracious Jesus was being to him. How He became as though guilty with Roberto’s sin guilt and suffered terrible beatings and the awful rejection of Father God in order to pay the sin debt off for him. He told him that even though it was a free gift from Jesus, that for Jesus it was very expensive, it was His very own death He paid. He urged Roberto to choose to trust that Jesus was the only sin fixer. It was a real touching moment as Roberto fought back tears of his own. As John Piper said “His people adore Him unashamedly for the ‘exceeding joy’ they find in Him!” (Ps. 43:4) You can see that Leoncio’s unashamed joy in Christ’s saving work is something that came from the Spirit’s work inside him! It was excellent to see this growth.