Our last few weeks in the US, and specifically the last few days, were so busy that we forgot to even put an update on here asking people to pray for our trip!

So, we are now back in PNG, but we still need your prayers for our family during this time of transition. Jet lag hasn’t been too bad coming this direction and we are adjusting to the heat and humidity of PNG instead of the cold, dry air of PA! Several of our boys were sick when we left the US and while they are still sick, they do seem to be on the mend.
One major prayer request right now is for the rest of our luggage to make it here. When we arrived in PNG, only 3 of our 9 bags were on the plane. The rest were supposed to come the next day. Yesterday three more of them finally got to us, but that still leaves three sitting in customs in the capital city. We don’t know what the problem is but we need the bags so we can get them onto our supply flight into the tribe. Please pray that our government reps will be able to help and that the bags will come on a flight either Sunday or Monday.
We have a few more days staying on our NTM center in town before we fly back to Amdu. We’re excited to get back, but we are also properly sobered for the task ahead of us. Please pray for us as we adjust again to life in the tribe and as we get back to full time study of the language and culture of the Amdu people.
Thank you for praying for us and following along with what God is doing in the Amdu tribe!
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