Each year in March all of the NTM missionaries in our region of Papua New Guinea gather for our annual conference. It’s always encouraging and fun, but tiring too! We’re going to need some time to recuperate once we get back to Amdu!! In addition to our annual conference, our to-do list for town is always long. Our packing is now finished and, weather permitting, will be returning to our home in the Amdu tribe in the morning.
We are excited to get back to work, finishing up the formal study of the Amdu language and culture. After our last language evaluation, our consultants think that most of the team should be able to be finished with language and culture learning by our next evaluation sometime in August. That’s only 5 months away so we have our work cut out for us!
As a team we have some language and culture projects to finish up before we can turn our attention to literacy. We are aiming to begin teaching the first class of our Amdu friends to read and write in their language before the end of the year. Please pray for us as we will be pushing hard in the next few months!