We’re not really sure about the origin of the phrase ‘Christmas in July,’ but that’s what will be happening this next week here in Amdu. We won’t be putting up a tree and sharing presents, but we will be teaching our Amdu friends about the birth of Christ this week!!
From very early on in the lessons, we have been pointing ahead to the Redeemer – the ‘One who will overcome Satan’. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden, all of humankind after them was born separated from God. Nothing we do can fix our problem – not following the 10 commandments, not wearing the right clothes, not going to church a certain number of times a week. We need Someone to pay our debt to restore us to fellowship with God. And all of the Old Testament has been pointing ahead to that Redeemer. As we moved into the New Testament at the end of last week and shared about the angel coming to Mary, it was so special to share with our Amdu friends that the promised Savior is going to be God Himself!! The perfect, sinless Creator God coming in human flesh to redeem His lost children – what an amazing thing He did for us! God always does what He says, in His time and according to His plan. He doesn’t forget His promises. Many times the first two chapters of Luke are relegated to being read at Christmas time, but we would encourage you to take some time this week to read Luke 1 and 2 again. Read them as the fulfillment of the redemption plan God put in place long, long ago. Read them with thanksgiving to the God who left the glories of heaven to be born in a stable – for you, and for our Amdu friends as well!!
Please continue to pray for clear understanding and belief for each one who is coming to listen to the lessons. Please also pray for the many who have been blocked from coming to the Bible teaching. We record each lesson and put it on little audio speakers in order for people to hear the lesson again as a review. Some of those ones who are not allowed to come to the teaching are listening to the recordings. Even though we wish they could come to the actual lesson, we are thankful that they are at least listening in this way.
Thank you for continuing to pray for our team and for our Amdu friends as they hear God’s Word being taught.
Scott Kennedy says
Bart, this is so exciting. So thankful for the work you and your family are engaged in and the movement of God happening among the Amdu. Praying for your progress in the gospel. Keep on bro!
Scott Kennedy
Shoreline Church