“Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” Luke 24:27
This is one of my favorite stories in the life of Christ. If you haven’t read this story recently take a few minutes to read it again. The things that transpired on the journey to Emmaus are what we are praying transpire in the hearts of our Amdu friends beginning next week Monday, March 23rd as we launch into the Scriptures with them.
On the 23rd and 24th we are going to be teaching our friends about maps so that they can understand where they are in relation to the stories of the Bible. It’s very important that they understand that these Bible events happened in REAL places and that they are not close by in their territory. We’ll also be introducing them to a simple timeline to help them understand more clearly how long ago these Bible events took place. We’ll be showing some video from the Human Planet series to expose them to people who live very differently than the Amdu people, and we’ll be raising the important question these differences imply, “Whose story is the true story?”
On the 25th we’ll be introducing God as Yahweh through the story of Moses and the burning bush. The main focus of this lesson is that Yahweh the eternal, self-existing God says, “This is what all future generations are to call me.” Yahweh does what no other powerful being in the Amdu universe does; he proclaims his personal name publicly and demands that all people (including women and children) know it, and memorialize it. Yahweh God who spoke from fire to Moses is now speaking to the Amdu people through his word.
On the 26th we’ll be introducing more attributes of Yahweh God. The main focus is that Yahweh existed in pure happiness despite having nothing that the Amdu people depend on for a good life and this happiness resulted in extreme generosity. Even though Yahweh existed without any of the things the Amdu people depend on for a good life like their kinship connections, or land and home and food Yahweh was still able to achieve the chief Amdu value of generosity in creating the beings that live in the unseen realm, the angels.
It’s hard to overstate just how important these foundation stones are for the Amdu people to have a clear understanding of the Gospel. Pray that as we draw out the implications of these lessons that they will create the appropriate tension in the Amdu mind and that it will enhunger them to want to hear more! We can’t wait to update you on how the first week of teaching goes. Pray for us as we make our final preparations. Honestly, we feel like we’re being strapped to a rocket about to launch! The tummies are fluttering but there are not 2nd thoughts.
Thank you for laying your hands on this endeavor every single day!
Benjamin and Missy
Joel Potter says
Yes! This is great news to behold in a time when great news is very much in short supply! Thanks for working according to HIs strength there in Amdu. We’ll pray and do what we can to mobilize others’ prayer support.