Greetings from Alabama! Here’s a short update to let you know that we will be flying out of Houston bound for Asia on November 29th . Why Houston? Because that’s the hub of the airline that gave us the best price. And it’s a double blessing as it gives us the opportunity to spend a couple of days with Judy’s younger sister who lives in that area and we can leave our car in her driveway! We’ll appreciate your prayers as we embark on this 5-month trip back to the Philippines to continue work on the translation of the Kalanguya and Ibaloi Old Testaments.
Our objectives for this trip loom large in front of us! They may even seem unattainable in the natural but we are asking the Lord for the strength and wisdom needed to keep at the job and do as much as we can on this trip toward seeing the Kalanguya translation of the Old Testament completed and checked and the Ibaloi Old Testament well on its way to completion.
There are 6 books of the Old Testament remaining that need to be consultant checked: Deuteronomy, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Psalms, Isaiah, and Song of Solomon. That’s 6 books, 323 chapters, 6514 verses!! We truly need your support in prayer as, together with the Kalanguya and Ibaloi Translation Teams, we tackle this meticulous work of checking the Scriptures verse by verse to make sure the translations convey the truth of God’s Word to these precious tribal people who long to see the whole Bible in print in their own languages.
Here’s how you can help us:
- Finances ($3000) are needed for this trip to the Philippines. Right now, the tickets are charged to our credit card – would be wonderful to pay it off before we leave!
- Pray for the members of the translation teams as they are working diligently now to get this material ready for checking. They have worked hard to translate the Scripture text as accurately as they possibly can and we so much appreciate their dedication to the task.
- Pray for support needed for the continued development and maintenance of the various Kalanguya ministries in the Philippines. We’re working on a way of keeping you better informed about these needs and will get that to you as soon as possible!
- Pray that we’ll always be a blessing and encouragement wherever we are. Thank you for continuing to stand with us with your support and your prayers!