Bryan has moved from Center Operations Manager to New Tribes Mission Aviation Facilities Manager in Papua New Guinea. We don’t want there to be any confusion! Bryan will not be flying any aircraft, nor is he going to do any maintenance on aircraft. He is in charge of all the building structures at the hangar!
He has started out doing little jobs like building extra shelves to store airplane seats. Making keys, and covering phone wires!
But these are just the little jobs! They have plans to remodel much of the current hangar to give bigger offices for the pilots and mechanics, new spaces for the administration, extensions for the loading bay and check in area as well as a space for Bryan and all the maintenance tools and equipment!
An even larger project coming up in this next year will help NTMA with the blessing of receiving three new Kodiak airplanes. Thank you for praying for their safe arrival. We only have one hangar for three Kodiaks and a helicopter. We can’t fit them all inside at the same time. It is important to keep the aircraft covered and secure to keep it maintained and in tip-top shape! This means we need to add another hangar onto our property in town. Bryan along with other co-workers will be in charge of seeing this happen! We will share more on that as it comes closer.
One special benefit for Bryan in this new ministry was getting the chance to go along on a ride for the first time in a Kodiak to help pick up coffee in a village to bring back to the city to help these people be able to sell it in town! He really enjoyed the ride!
Keep praying for Bryan as he joins this new team to help come along side the pilots, mechanics, and administrators in the ability to function in a professional environment to see the Gospel reach the hard to reach areas of PNG.
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