After a wonderful time with family over the holidays, we moved into our apartment in St. Bonifacius. Thanks to the people of Freshwater Church for supplying so much of what we needed to set up camp here. We have everything we need, and we’re unpacked and settling in. So, we will be calling this place home for this whole year. However, if you ask our children where home is, they will not hesitate to say Pal, PNG. If you ask Maggie and I. . . we might just stare at you blankly as we wonder ourselves. Our current abode is only temporary. Our house in Pal is definitely ours (designed and built by us), but is Pal home? There was definitely a bit of the sense of ‘coming home’ for Maggie and I as we departed PNG and returned to the states last month, but lacking our own home here in our home country certainly weakens the home feeling. And so I am reminded again that our time on this earth, wherever that may be, is only temporary. Our true home is with our Lord in Heaven. So whether we are home in America, or in our home in PNG, or wherever else God might take us, we need to hang on to the promise of a true and permanent home in eternity.
For our year here, we will be trying to reconnect with everyone who has been part of the team to share about what God is doing in Papua New Guinea. We will be traveling some and speaking and sharing lots, and in the times between we will press on with the translation of God’s Word into the Pal language. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new, enjoying some fun American activities with our children, spending quality time with our families, sharing about what God has done and is doing among the Pal people for His glory, and refreshing and recharging for our next term. Peace.