Here is a little update on what is happening in our lives.

Chuck continues to work on writing lessons for the Bible teaching in Ga’dang. Did you know, the people of Paradi and surrounding area have never heard teaching of God’s Word in their own language? It’s always been in a trade language. Chuck is writing Bible lessons in Ga’dang so the people here can hear the clear message of salvation in their own language. He is written 11 out of 40+ lessons already. Many of the others have outlines done in English.

I have been busy teaching the kids and doing medical work. Some weeks go without much trouble but some weeks like the last few have been very busy. There have been many wounds to bandage, fevers and stomach bugs going around. I’ve even seen a couple cases of mumps. Some days it’s hard to get school work done with all the interruptions.

Next weekend, May 19th, Elijah will graduate from Ethnos Bible Institute in Jackson, MI. He has spent the last 2 yrs studying God’s Word and learning to walk closer with Him. Pray for Eli as he looks for work for the summer and makes plans for the Fall. He still isn’t sure where God is leading him.

Hala will officially finish high school at the end of May. We will still spend some time on Home Ec stuff and science as time allows but the official reading, writing and arithmetic will be done. She will also help out with her little sisters school as much as she can. She keeps busy with loom knitting, colouring, drawing and reading.

Kyle will be 18 yrs old in September.
Kyle will graduate from high school at the end of May also. He will then be leaving us for Ontario at the beginning of July. He will be staying with our friends the Dyce’s until our return next year. He plans to work and learn to drive. Pray for his adjustments to life back in Canada and for his parents and siblings without him with them.
Charlotte, Sophia, Jenna and Bea

Sophia is 10 1/2 yrs old.
Jenna is 8 yrs old.
Beatrice is 5 yrs old.
Charlotte is finishing up grade 10. Sophia has just begun a new school year. She is in grade 6. Jenna also just began a new school year and is in grade 4. We school year round so we don’t have to do school work when out in town. Beatrice will begin learning to read at the end of June. She is already learning lots but the official ‘big girl’ school will begin then.
Our Co-workers
Dennis & Valerie and 5 kids

Lael, Aria, Quinn, Cambree & Theo.
Dennis recently had a language evaluation. He is making good progress with hopes to finish language study by the end of the year. Their kids are growing bigger by the day and they all look forward to play times with our kids.
Danny & Philippa and Izzy & Judah

Many of you may have already heard that Danny was diagnosed with cancer in February. They have since returned to the US and Danny has finished 2 of 6 rounds of chemo. He is about to begin round 3 this coming week. After chemo there will be radiation and an undetermined amount of recoup and followup time for him. We pray for them constantly and miss them terribly. Please lift them up in your prayers.